Neil Losin

Neil LosinNeil Losin, Ph.D., is a Miami-based biologist, photographer, and filmmaker. In 2012, he co-founded Day’s Edge Productions with fellow biologist and creative Nate Dappen. Day’s Edge is an award-winning media company dedicated to telling captivating true stories about science, natural history, conservation, and adventure. They work with broadcasters, NGOs, scientists, universities, and brands to create media with breathtaking visuals, compelling characters, and vital messages. Their recent films have been supported by National Geographic, CNN, The Atlantic, Smithsonian Channel, World Wildlife Fund, National Science Foundation, and many others. When they aren’t producing their own films, Neil and Nate train other scientists and creatives on how to tell better science and conservation stories. A sampling of their clients includes the International Wildlife Film Festival, Duke University, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography.